I like traveling. The new experiences, sights, and cultural idiosyncrasies offer a unique learning environment. And if you already utilize these tips, perhaps the video at the end will give some new ideas.

  1. Meet new people

    This can mean different things depending on how you’re traveling. If you’re traveling solo and staying in hostels, start a conversation with other travelers. If you’re in a hotel with your family, perhaps try talking with local employees. All I can add is that the people you meet truly shape your experience during your trip. Some of my most memorable adventures have happened purely because I met some interesting people along the way.

  2. Compare prices

    An obvious one, but this applies to flights, buses, trains, hotels, hostels, and more. For example, Hostel World might be a convenient website to locate hostels, but booking directly through the hostel’s own website (or another booking platform, like booking.com) can offer a better rate. Additionally, when searching for flights, I find it helpful to check flight deal sites such as alltheflightdeals.com to see if I can get to a neighboring city for a better price.

  3. Travel-specific gear

    Personally, the best space-saving tip I’ve learned is to use a travel towel and a collapsible water bottle. You won’t regret getting backpacking-specific gear, as long as you use it frequently. This requirement is key – make sure you’ve tested your gear before the trip. The last thing you want to do is buy a titanium spork only to find you don’t like eating with a spork.

  4. Take only pictures, leave only footprints

    I try to avoid shopping while traveling, but this is partially personal preference. Perhaps a small unique souvenir is found, or maybe a gift for friends or family is called for. In general though, I find it’s best to minimize souvenir purchases and just capture the essence of a trip with photography.

  5. Take time away from museums and similar attractions

    How often do you visit the museums in the town you live? So why are you visiting so many now that you’re traveling? For a more local vibe during your trip, see what life is like when you try to follow your typical daily schedule.

  6. Find nature

    Hopping between cities can be exciting, but I’ve found that I enjoy trips with some balance between nature and city environments. Of course, if the trip is intended purely to explore the great outdoors, even better.

  7. Don’t rely on currency exchange companies

    Entering a foreign country without local currency can conjure many sorts of worrisome scenarios. But If you’ve got a debit card, using an ATM at the airport upon arrival may be a more efficient and economical solution. Of course, check foreign transaction fees on those cards first.

Weekly Extreme Exception

This week’s video is a bit trite, but I hope it will inspire a reader to set out upon an adventure, which I assume is video’s goal. Alastair Humphreys was named a National Geographic Adventurer of the Year in 2012 after biking around the world, running across the Sahara, and rowing across the Atlantic. One intriguing idea he’s brought forth to those of us who are slightly less adventurous is the idea of a microadventure. As everyday life become more timeboxed and many formerly-relaxed activities are seemingly sped up, seeking adventures in a location more convenient makes a lot of sense. It makes you ponder whether travel and adventure is just a perspective.
